Friday, October 23, 2009

November schedule confirmed, Anicca and matlessness!

For all your busy little bees who always want to come but never seem to find the time - PLAN NOW. Manage your time & tasks, cancel off low-priority stuff and Take It OutSide ;)

Dates for November confirmed for:
Saturday November 14th, 5pm
Saturday November 28th, 5pm

All details remain the same.

Last week was nice as in the spirit of anicca* we changed venues and tried a new spot - on the grass directly in front of the lake. Loverly!

Remember you can join in even if you don't have a yoga mat - Class+mat+water bottle=$30. All those with their own mats& water bottles can stick to the $25 rate of course.

See you In The Park,


*Anicca - the impermanent/changeable nature of the universe