This first momentous post marks the debut of Yoga In The Park - Singapore's fortnightly, al fresco yoga class!
My maiden yoga experience was in an Ayurvedic retreat in the southern Indian state of Kerala. On the grounds of a converted palace that once belonged to a Malabari princess, there was a huge open-air pavilion, where for the first time, I leaned into Half-moon and stretched into Downward Dog.
Five years later and no savasana has given me a deeper sense of relaxation. Thrice weekly lessons in bikram & ashtanga have sculpted my body, mind and spirit, but no heated classroom with piped-in humidity has topped that first-ever class in the garden.
Yoga In The Park is my attempt to replicate that first session, but in the tranquil surrounds of the Botanic Gardens. (Kerala is wonderful, but the commute could get a bit much ;)
Since we started it 6 months ago, it's struck me that this is was how the ancient yogis practised: on the grass, eyes looking proudly to the sky in Warrior I, hands on the earth in Crow, and breeze caressing the legs and arms in Tree.
This is how it's meant to be.
Join us, to experience Yoga In The Park for yourself. Every alternate Saturday evening, 5pm.
With her confident direction, ashtanga background and light-hearted humour, our lovely instructor Rashidah will push you to your limits while keeping a smile on your face.
Email to book your mat.